This faculty is focused on the following three groups of future issues. We believe that by comprehensively solving them, our future society, the global environment, and human prosperity will be realized in a sustainable manner. Through these themes, we aim to connect people, collaborate extensively using our “collective intelligence”, and develop capable individuals who can envision the future of our society. We have established three courses as the pillars of achieving these goals.
1 Challenges for people today to live more creatively and amicably
Unbound by conventional expertise, we aim to bridge the region with the world for the prosperity of the entire local community, and strive for inclusion and active harmony in society.
Global and Local Social Design
2 Challenges to create new value and realize a sustainable recycling-oriented society
We aim for social implementation that combines economic systems and technological development that support the efficient usage and regeneration of the bounty of the biosphere, and the avoidance of associated risks, while determining the limits of the Earth.
Green Transformation Sciences and Technology
3 Challenges of continuing to question what it means to be a human being, and of independently realizing true abundance
We aim to construct a new perspective and structure that differs from the traditional industrial society’s prioritization of economic efficiency